Six years after Fiza's (Karisma Kapoor) brother, Aman (played by Hrithik Roshan) disappears during the 1993 Mumbai riots, she goes to look for him. When she does find him, to her horror she sees that he has joined a terrorist group. She forces him to come home, and he finally re-unites with their mother (played by Jaya Bachchan). However his allegiance and thoughts make him want to join the terrorist network, led by Murad Khan (Manoj Bajpai). A confrontation with two men who harass Fiza leads to Aman revealing his involvement with the terrorist network in front of his sister, mother and the police. His mother's grief and disappointment eventually lead her to commit suicide. Fiza tries once more to find her brother, with the help of Anirudh (Bikram Saluja). Aman has been sent on a mission to kill two powerful politicians; when he does succeed in assassinating them, his own terrorist group tries to kill him...
- 救赎第18集查看详细>>
- 不斷遭到殺手追殺的張恩福走投無路,情急之下闖進馮志昌的辦公室,用槍逼住馮志昌,卻被馮制服。當年血案的惟一當事人只有小雯了,為了掐斷一切線索,馮志昌派人接走了小雯,並將她藏匿起來。
- 救赎第17集查看详细>>
- 城南監獄又來了幾名新犯人,出乎意料的是犯罪心理學家魏道軾也在此列。因為方周一直在調查丁橋,中隊長卻橫加乾涉,方周和中隊長發生了激烈衝突,對於中隊長的態度,方周滿懷不解和委屈。經多方努力終於搞清丁橋…
- 救赎第16集查看详细>>
- 小雯姑娘拿出了她和丁橋的合影,她告訴方周,在她十歲時是丁橋把她從孤兒院接了出來,當方周將了解到的情況告訴監獄長時,使獄長回憶起多年前的一樁懸案,案子中有一位雙目失明的小姑娘。
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