Life is liberty in a CAGE. CAGE represents a situation that is filled with a lot of constraints, or a habit or an addiction that is hard to get rid of. This project is to present a Chinese cultural and traditional visual style to audiences. On the other hand, CAGE tries to inspire them to recall their memory and consider what is the meaning of life to them individually.
- 除了"Cage"你也可能喜欢以下影片:
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- 1.悠哉日常大王剧场版:假期活动
- 2.科学小怪蛋
- 3.离开(2019)
- 4.雄狮少年2
- 5.养家之人
- 6.怪物岛
- 7.加菲猫2
- 8.加菲猫
- 9.鳄鱼莱莱
- 10.考古奇兵:翡翠石碑的诅咒
- 11.失常
- 12.丑娃娃
- 13.天剑
- 14.啪嗒啪嗒
- 15.虞美人盛开的山坡日语