超级保姆 第三季剧情简介全部剧情
Fran has had a pen pal named Lenny since the first grade. Fran and Lenny, through their letters, get along famously, almost like boyfriend/girlfriend. They agreed early on never to exchange photographs, but Lenny, coming to New York, wants to meet Fran in person. Maxwell is anxious to meet Lenny as he feels hes in competition with Lenny. Fran, on the other hand, is nervous to meet Lenny as she has exaggerated who "Fran Fine" is in her letters. But Fran agrees to meet Lenny at the Russian Tea Room, each identifying the other by the red rose worn on their lapels. Again, Maxwell is anxious to see Lenny, and accompanies Fran to the Russian Tea Room and stays with her until Lenny shows up. Fran and Maxwell are having a nice enough "date" of their own while they wait for Lenny, so nice that Fran almost doesnt care if Lenny shows up or not.
- 超级保姆 第三季第24集查看详细>>
- 薛费的儿子布莱顿法文被当掉,便请保姆找来一位法国男士菲律普当家教,菲律普与保姆法兰范一见钟情,很快就决定结婚,令薛费的心里很不是滋味。管家奈尔斯看在眼里,知道菲律普是花心大萝卜,为了帮主人,也是为了法…
- 超级保姆 第三季第23集查看详细>>
- 西薇雅的礼拜堂来了一位单身领唱人,她急着要为女儿法兰介绍,于是周五晚上,法兰盛装打扮,希望能够与领唱人盖瑞交上朋友。法兰如愿开始与盖瑞交往,他们到雪菲尔先生家时,碰巧遇到名音乐作曲家,伯特巴赫拉克,盖…
- 超级保姆 第三季第22集查看详细>>
- 薛费的新戏再次失败,加上他网球又输给法兰,导致他开始出现中年危机。四十多岁的薛费竟然想离开剧界,还开始装年轻。后在法兰好言相劝下,薛费才发现自己并非一事无成。
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