Bellamy is an Australian television series made by the Reg Grundy Organisation for the Ten Network in 1981. The series focused on a maverick cop named Steve Bellamy. His partner was Detective Mitchell. Recurring characters in the series were the disapproving Daley who appeared in 21 episodes, the forensics technician Clem who was in 15 of the episodes. Adam Garnett as Ginger, a street-wise child who befriended Bellamy, appeared in six early episodes but was phased-out of the series. Later in the run Tom Richards appeared as Detective Burns over five episodes. In the story Burns was ultimately revealed to be corrupt. The series was noticeably more violent than previous Australian police series such as those made by Crawford Productions during the 1970s. Bellamy attracted only mediocre ratings and was shifted around the schedules several times. The series was not renewed beyond the initial series of 26 one-hour episodes.
- 除了"神探贝拉米"你也可能喜欢以下影片:
- 同主演
- 同导演
- 1.整点爆破第一季
- 2.夜晚
- 3.不能说的游戏
- 4.特搜9警视厅搜査一课特別搜査班
- 5.隐患~掌控黑钱的男人~
- 6.未解决之女警视厅文件捜査官
- 7.东京伤情故事SP:御茶之水之恋
- 8.郊狼
- 9.亚瑟与克莱尔
- 10.美丽俏佳人
- 11.无辜恋人第一季
- 12.三生三世枕上书
- 13.末日逃生
- 14.悬崖下的妻子
- 15.finalcut连锁剧