- 主演:
- RobertaBlevins AineCain LaurenCoveyCarson JillDrehmer IlianaEstarellas JillFilipovic RobertFitzPatrick CourtneyHarwood
- 清晰:
- 完结
- 类型:
- 纪录片
- 地区:
- 美国
- 语言:
- 英语
- 导演:
- 时间:
- 2024-01-20 21:09:53
- 年份:
- 2021
- 评论:
- 我也要评论
- 剧情:
- From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a tru… 详细剧情
- 分享:
From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a true-con docuseries about LuLaRoe, the women’s internet apparel company that went from fast-growing retail phenomenon to alleged viral multi-level marketing scam. The four part series streams September 10th, only on Amazon Prime Video.
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