The story revolves around Pierre Bonnard who wouldn’t be the well-known painter he is today if it weren’t for the enigmatic Marthe who features in more than a third of his works. Maria Boursin, alias Marthe de Méligny, was posing as a ruined Italian aristocrat on the day they fell madly in love with one another. Little did she know that she would soon become the mainstay of a g... (展开全部) The story revolves around Pierre Bonnard who wouldn’t be the well-known painter he is today if it weren’t for the enigmatic Marthe who features in more than a third of his works. Maria Boursin, alias Marthe de Méligny, was posing as a ruined Italian aristocrat on the day they fell madly in love with one another. Little did she know that she would soon become the mainstay of a gigantic body of work, which is now considered to be one of the most significant from the beginning of the 20th century.
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