Le Prix du passage剧情简介
The story revolves around 25-year-old Natacha, a young single mother who’s a waitress in a snack bar and who’s struggling to raise her 8-year-old son Enzo. Torn between a yearning for emancipation and the comfort that her mother Irène insists upon offering her, Natacha feels trapped. Meeting Walid, who is waiting until he has raised sufficient funds to pay his passage to Englan... (展开全部) The story revolves around 25-year-old Natacha, a young single mother who’s a waitress in a snack bar and who’s struggling to raise her 8-year-old son Enzo. Torn between a yearning for emancipation and the comfort that her mother Irène insists upon offering her, Natacha feels trapped. Meeting Walid, who is waiting until he has raised sufficient funds to pay his passage to England, will open up her eyes to new horizons and help her take steps towards a new life...
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