This is a reality show of a street dance competition launched jointly by YOUKU and Canxing Productions. Four seasons of the show have been broadcast successfully and through their model of “Guest Mentors & Professional Dancers”, skilled street dancers from around the world are invited to gather in China, making this one of China’s most highly praised reality shows. At the same time, this is also one of the top street dance competitions in terms of global influence and scale. “Street Dance of China” Season 5 is a competition aimed at international rising stars, showcasing the interaction and battle between many young dancers across the world. With the goal of discovering the future stars of the street dance world, the show looks at potential young talents globally and provides a platform where young dancers can learn from experienced street dancers, the rising stars can make new friends through dancing, and everyone can have an immersive experience of Chinese Culture and traditions. In addition, in light of the fact that street dance has become an official Olympic sport, the show wishes to take this opportunity to show the competitive spirit of street dance as well as the charm of Chinese street dance culture.
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