Kven si dotter er du?剧情简介
The animated short Who’s daughter are you? portrays the childhood of director Astrid Aakra and her mother in a village on the west coast of Norway. Her father died early, and the mother and daughter struggle to fit in. They become ostracized, and this puts a substantial mark on their relationship. It evolves to a troublesome mix of contempt, shame, loyalty and love. Told in a humorous, yet sensitive style with an aim to understand, the director confronts herself, her mother and the narrow-minded environment that affected them so profoundly
- 除了"Kven si dotter er du?"你也可能喜欢以下影片:
- 同主演
- 同导演
- 1.悠哉日常大王剧场版:假期活动
- 2.科学小怪蛋
- 3.离开(2019)
- 4.雄狮少年2
- 5.养家之人
- 6.怪物岛
- 7.加菲猫2
- 8.加菲猫
- 9.鳄鱼莱莱
- 10.考古奇兵:翡翠石碑的诅咒
- 11.失常
- 12.丑娃娃
- 13.天剑
- 14.啪嗒啪嗒
- 15.虞美人盛开的山坡日语