Chor Lau-Heung, nicknamed “Dao Shuai” (literally “Chief of Bandits/Thieves”) is the protagonist of the drama. He is intelligent, observant, kind and compassionate. He steals from the rich to help the poor, upholding justice through his own legacy. Chor Lau-Heung is a romantic and a noble ranger. Highly skilled in martial arts, he has superb combat skills and a kind heart. A man of principle, even when he steals, he does it with compelling reasons, hence, he is known as “the Grand Marshal of the Bandits,” and “the Gentleman among the Hooligans”. Chor Lau-Heung possesses the vibes of a gentleman at all times, even when violence is necessary, he does it with grace. He is romantic, polite and gentle with women and his stories are always woven around women. In The Legend of Phantom Love, Chor Lau-Heung helps a few pairs of star-crossed lovers get together; in The Legend of the Bat, he earns admiration from Hua Zhen Zhen; in The Legend of the Peach Blossom, he is involved in a complicated relationship with Zhang Jie Jie; in The Legend of the New Moon, he gets into a romantic relationship with Princess Jade Sword; and in The Midnight Orchid, the mysterious character, “Mr. Orchid” that he gets entangled with, turns out to be a woman. The fearless attitude of Chor Lau-Heung in the dangerous circumstances never fails to impress. He writes the legends, and takes away the women… 楚人江南留香久,海上渐有白云生。他是午夜盗神,兰花一笑中透着优雅、冷静与果敢;他风流倜傥,足智多谋;他善良多情,轻功绝世,他便是盗帅——楚留香。 楚留香是一个游侠,一个浪漫的贵族骑士,来去如风,空气中只留下淡淡香气。他行事有自己的原则,即使是偷盗也做得光明磊落,可谓盗亦有道,也因此他才会被人们称为盗贼中的大元帅,流氓中的佳公子。不论何时何地,楚留香都会保持绝佳的风度,即使迫不得已使用暴力,也是一种优雅的暴力,翩若惊鸿,矫若游龙,他对待女人,颇有绅士风度,他的故事也永远都和美女联系在一起。 《鬼恋传奇》中,他帮助几位佳人喜结良缘;《蝙蝠传奇》里他得到华真真倾心仰慕;《桃花传奇》中他与张洁洁生死纠缠;《新月传奇》他与玉剑公主惺惺相惜;《午夜兰花》中的神秘的兰花先生赫然又是一个痴情女。 在人心叵测的江湖中,诡异惊险的经历里,楚留香无所畏惧,为探寻真相勇往直前,盗帅夜留香,威名震八方!他书写了传奇,带走了美人……
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