he skies have sent several warnings to humanity before, in the form of plagues and natural disasters, and each time humanity has failed to cease destroying nature and each other. The skies prepare another message in the form of a tsunami, and two deities, Win and Khan, are sent to earth. Khan believes that humanity can not change and revels in the prospect of their end, but Win wishes to help guide them from the incoming disaster. He is aided by four chosen humans; Katherine, Danus, Tee Noi and Apo, who all have supernatural powers of communication. In the meantime, Katherine's half-brother Pon pursues his longtime crush Ploy after they meet at a temple, trying various methods to get her attention and is repeatedly rebuffed as Ploy isn't over her ex-boyfriend. Ploy eventually gives in and agrees to go to the beach with him, as both of them remain unaware of the message the skies are about to send to humanity. The film cuts between Ploy and Pon's antics and the four chosen ones' attempts to better the world: The Message arrives as a violent tsunami, that leaves Thailand in a state of widespread devastation and takes many lives. Rescue officers (including Danus) are sent out to find survivors, and in the sea of what remains after the tsunami, they rescue Pon, who was still at the beach on the day of the tsunami. The tsunami separated him from Ploy, who is stranded in the middle of nowhere for a month, and found barely alive on the 30th day of her isolation. A rescue officer remarks on her luck, and Danus responds that it is her fortune as a good person.
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