Inspired by an idea by Mauro Spinelli and Luca Lucini, the screenplay was penned by Luca Lucini, Mauro Spinelli, Marta Storti and Ilaria Storti, and subsequently earned itself the Leo Benvenuti Solinas Prize for Best Comedy Screenplay. It’s the end of the 1970s in the Treviso region, at a time when the rapid growth of cities is also affecting the Bottacin family, composed of Primo, Anna and Tiberio. For them, and for young Tiberio in particular, the change from a country life to an urban setting will be a somewhat tumultuous one. The film speaks of a time of great social and economic transformation, where even movie theatres –places where local communities come together – are forced to fall back on X-rated films in a bid to avoid collapse.
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