- 清晰:
- Mia ja Liki / Мия и Лики
- 类型:
- 剧情片
- 地区:
- 爱沙尼亚
- 语言:
- 爱沙尼亚语
- 导演:
- KatrinTegova
- 时间:
- 2021-11-16 00:34:20
- 年份:
- 2021
- 评论:
- 我也要评论
- 剧情:
- It seems the summer will last forever. Sisters Mia and Liki are taking the best … 详细剧情
- 分享:
It seems the summer will last forever. Sisters Mia and Liki are taking the best out of it, but the signs something's wrong with the parents, are disturbing their happy life. Girls perceive the changes around them, but can’t comprehend with the situation, which causes inexplicable fear and confusion.
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