- 主演:
- 清晰:
- Durmig
- 类型:
- 剧情片
- 地区:
- 印度
- 语言:
- 拉达克语
- 导演:
- TenzinJampel
- 时间:
- 2021-11-04 00:55:46
- 年份:
- 2021
- 评论:
- 我也要评论
- 剧情:
- DURMIG Drama • 13m • 2020 In 1990, during a time of t… 详细剧情
- 分享:
DURMIG Drama • 13m • 2020 In 1990, during a time of tension between the Buddhist and Muslim communities in the Himalayan region of Ladakh, a seven-year-old boy, Nurbu, regularly joins his neighbour Bashir on his bird-watching sessions. But, with the arrival of a social and economic boycott, Nurbu is pressured to halt this pastime, and the toll of communalism on the young is revealed.
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