No one knows when his love started to build. But when he realized that he loved the distant horizon, he could not prevent his love in the coldness that covered the city of Toronto. The sun continued to shine the light of love to warm his heart. Love in a way that his heart has never touched by any woman before. Love has more than the word "love". Love makes him ready to keep his heart, whether yesterday, today or Tomorrow and the rest of his life at the end of the sky still have his love and smile waiting for him always.
No one knows when his love started to build. But when he realized that he loved the distant horizon, he could not prevent his love in the coldness that covered the city of Toronto. The sun continued to shine the light of love to warm his heart. Love in a way that his heart has never touched by any woman before. Love has more than the word "love". Love makes him ready to keep his heart, whether yesterday, today or Tomorrow and the rest of his life at the end of the sky still have his love and smile waiting for him always.
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