性别:女 | 出生:1984-09-05 | 地区:普斯科夫 | 职业:演员 |
星座:处女座 | 血型:未知 | 身高:未知 | 出生地:俄罗斯,普斯科夫 |
简介:Yulia Peresild graduated from Oleg Kudryashov's acting class at the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts in 2006 where she performed in student productions of Euripides's “The Trojan Women,” “Blue Beard — The Hope of Women,” Nikolai Gogol's “Viy,” Nina Sadur's “Bullfinches,” and Carl Orff's “Carmina Burana.” She played the roles of Dorimene and the Maid in Andrei Pershin's production of “The Bachelor Moliere,” based on Moliere's “The Forced Marriage,” at the Contemporary Play School. In Kirill Serebrennikov's production of “Figaro” for the Yevgeny Mironov Theatrical Company she played Susanne. In productions of the Theatre of Nations she plays Godmother Shirinkina in “Bullfinches” and Olga Petrovna in “The Swedish Matchstick.”In cinema she has performed in: Eler Ishmukhamedov's “The Bride,” Igor Zaitsev's “Yesenin,” Shamil Nadzhafzade's “The Fortress,” Katya Shagalova's “Once Upon a Time in the Provinces,” and Alexei Uchitel's “The Captiv