性别:女 | 出生:1946年05月01日 | 地区:克什米尔斯利那加 | 职业:演员,主持人,配音,导演,制片人 |
星座:金牛座 | 血型:未知 | 身高:未知 | 出生地:印度 |
简介:Trade Mark: One of the most recognisable voices in the UK.She is one of the most respected British actresses despite the fact she has had no acting training.In an episode of "Absolutely Fabulous" (1992) her character claims to have been a "Bond Girl", then says "Julian Bond." Lumley actually was a Bond Girl in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969).She is also "the voice" of AOL in Great Britain. She's the one who greets subscribers when they "log on", tells them they have mail, and says goodbye when they "log off." She revealed this on "The Graham Norton Show" (2007) a couple of years back.