性别:男 | 出生:1955-03-04 | 地区:法国 | 职业:演员,配音 |
星座:双鱼座 | 血型:未知 | 身高:168cm | 出生地:法国,缅因州卢瓦尔省,索米尔 |
简介:Born in Saumur, France on March 4,1955, Dominique Pinon studied literature at the Faculty of Arts in Poitiers after which he moved to Paris and attended the Cours Simon School of Dramatic Arts. He made his first cinematic appearance in Arthur Joffé's 1980 short film La Découverte.A versatile and gifted actor, he has produced an impressive body of work in film, television and on stage. He is also an accomplished voice-over actor. With ov…