上映1974年01月26日在旅游卫视 等电台敬请关注!


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简介:《58免费看电影网站》本片源於高嶺剛的首次個展,展覽呈現一系列手工著色相片,其 中有一部分來自藝術家個人的家族相簿。如同片名的寓意,藝術 家以膠卷觸視的手法撫摸過每一幀家族肖像,如同每個人都曾體 驗過,親手觸碰那些別具意義相片的感受。自此,導演從未停止 複訪這些影像元素和主題,在後續作品中不斷出現。   Dear Photograph (Sashingwa) is an artistic elaboration on TAKAMINE Go's first solo exhibition, featuring a series of hand-tinted photographs, some of which directly came from his family album. The director's 8mm camera lingers over the family portraits, as if in imitation of a common experience: touching photos of personal significance by hand. These visual materials and subject matters will be constantly revisited in TAKAMINE's later films.…



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